Disobediently fucking up the business status quo since 2016

Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼 Come create YOUR Disobedient Business with us 🖕🏼

Come on into our wonderful world of neuro-spicy brains and business fuckery, where we help you figure this shit out in a way that works for you. We’ll help you find better ways, more People-First ways - to be your version of success. And there’s not a blueprint in sight (🤢) !

Welcome to doing business disobediently!⁠

👋🏼 We are Pippa and Lucy, a badass mother & spawn duo based in the southwest of the UK and together, we founded the Disobedient Business® Co. We work to actively dismantle the business status quo and all the ways of doing business that “The Rules” tell us that we should, in pursuit of our so-called "business success", and we’re here to help you find YOUR version of success too!!

We're witty, sarcastic, funny AF and spend much of our days laughing out loud both with and at each other. Humour is a serious business 😉!

Beware folks that "talk integrity" but it's not backed up by actions! Integrity for us is not just about the word, it's about acting in a way that backs it up!

We know we're not for everyone and we don't claim to be, but it IS really important to us that everyone (like really everyone), is welcome! 

We're not messing and we plan to be leaders in this space. Too many leaders are still just following the path - we want to help peeps find a better one!

Whether it's making the audacious ask, meeting our needs in a way that brings a "the audacity of them" response or just expecting audacious things!

Disobedience for us is all about breaking the rules. It's about setting fire to the biz "rulebook" and carving a "fucking with the status quo" way.

Now you’ve met us, this is what we stand for...

So that’s us, how about you?

  • You’re a people-first business owner who’s sick of playing the game and wants to do things differently

  • You care as much about how you do business as you do about how much you make

  • You want to challenge the status quo by having different conversations with similar-minded folk who also give a shit

  • You know change also comes from having great strategies and systems to support your business

  • You’ve had enough of trading time for money and want to build a more sustainable model of business, disobediently

  • You’re frustratingly familiar with the burnout struggle bus and know it’s time to get off, stay off and start to thrive sustainably

  • You want to spend more time frolicking in the sea and sipping on negronis in the sun and less time chasing your tail - why did you start this business in the first place if all you do is werk werk werk?!

  • Things aren’t quite working and you want to bring them into alignment with your values and your WHY

  • You’ve got big visions for what you want to achieve and need help figuring out how you can actually get there without using some god-awful bro-business map

How we can help...

Now, before you panic and run for the hills thinking we haven’t got a frickin’ clue what we’re doing, it’s not that at all. We just don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions and methods for complex and interesting humans - it’s reductive bullshit and we want nothing to do with it.

So, we have the DBCo. non-method method

(if you’re interested you can find out more about our thinking in this podcast episode) as it’s well worth 24 minutes of your time!)

What this means is that we bring our wealth of experience and coaching and mentoring skills and you bring your wealth of experience, knowledge and skills and we work out the best “method” for your business between us!

Sounds pretty cool, right? It’s what we mean when we talk about being “people first” (you + us, we're the “people” in this scenario 😉).

We don’t have one!

This is where you might be expecting us to spill the tea, to tell you the “secret method” or the “business blueprint” or even a snazzy “10-step formula” but this is very simple in the Disobedient Business® Co friend…

The Disobedient Business Method

CEOhhh Clarity & Strategy Sessions are where strategy, planning, systems, mindset and what you really (really) want for your business, get together and have a right old house party! The perfect “At the right time" solutions. 💡

CEOhhh Clarity & Strategy Sessions

A high-touch one-to-one and group coaching mastermind for established service-based business owners looking to set fire to the BS rule book and build a People-First business where you define your version of success! 🤘

Disobedient Business® Mastermind